So when I was doing the Dev a Week project in February, I created a basic wall bounce platformer "level" that did not really end at the exit. Now months later, here's a more fleshed out prototype with level select, a crude introduction to the controls, and 6 levels (5 standard and the Megazone, which is a series of mini rooms meant to test basic skills).

Controls are the Down Arrow key (or the space bar) to jump (or slam down if you are already airborne. Run into walls to turn.

The future of this is uncertain. I feel like I started working on this game as a need to make something, not necessarily that I was excited to make this. I'll be putting this down for at least a little while, maybe forever. Who knows?


Published 20 days ago
AuthorMildWest Games
Made withGodot
TagsGodot, one-button

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